Retiring Early: Real Estate Investment Can Get You There

Most everyone dreams of being able to retire early, but for some, this is simply not possible. Most people cannot retire early because they do not take the necessary steps to place themselves in a favorable financial position.

While real estate investment can be tricky, it can also pay off handsomely when approached with the right steps. For many, real estate investment has allowed them to retire early and begin living the good life long before their hairs even begin to turn gray.

If you are ready to commit to real estate investment, there are some steps that will make it worth your while. Being able to retire early will mean being smart about your investments and keeping a careful eye on your finances.

Tips for Retiring Early with Real Estate Investment

There are several tips that can make your real estate investment endeavors much more promising. If you take these steps, you will be more prepared to start investing and begin seeing rapid results that push you closer towards your early retirement goals.

1. One of the first steps any real estate investor needs to make is to get rid of their debts. Paying off your debts first will put you on the proper footing to be able to successfully invest in real estate. It will be very difficult to retire if all your distributions are going towards paying off debts. Overcoming your debt first means your investment income will go straight towards living expenses.

2. Before relying on real estate investments, it is important you know what income is necessary. Being mindful of your income and spending habits will assist you in being able to overcome the obstacles that may prevent early retirement. It is not enough to simply start investing in real estate and retire. You must put careful thought into your income and what it will take for you to comfortably retire.

3. Tracking the rental properties you own and the ones you will purchase is helpful. If you already own rental properties, calculate how much income they are bringing in. Determine how much income you will need each month to live comfortably. You should then add extra to this amount for having fun and then make this number your goal.

4. Starting your game plan is the next step towards early retirement. How many properties is it going to take for you to be able to meet your needs? Figure in everything you will possibly need, including travel expenses. After all, you certainly are not going to want to sit around all day doing nothing. Consider the following for meeting your goals.

·       Monthly bills

·       Health expenses

·       Needs of your spouse and family

·       Livelihood

When investing in properties, you will also need to consider the costs of ownership. Figuring in these amounts before you get started will help you to invest wisely and avoid many of the pitfalls new investors face. You will need to be prepared for the following property expenses.

1. Property taxes

2. Upkeep

3. Repairs

With all this information in mind, you should be able to begin calculating and come up with a number that will make all the above possible.

5. You must be prepared to invest in your current properties before purchasing new ones. Your goal should be to build up your net worth and you can get started by increasing the value of the properties you currently own. Investing in your properties will add value and increase your ability to earn income on them. If your rentals do not bring in enough money, you will not be able to retire early.

6. When purchasing real estate, there are some important considerations. It is wise to choose properties that are ready to move in. Choosing properties that are close to good school districts and convenient shopping facilities is also important. Do not try to invest in real estate by purchasing fixer-uppers. This will not work and you will likely find you are investing more than you are making.

7. Choosing the right tenants is essential for your investment endeavors. Choose tenants with good rental records and solid credit scores. Tennant problems can quickly bring your investment strategy to a screeching halt, so make sure to vet them carefully. Conducting a background check will help determine the best fit for your rentals.

You Must Be Patient

Building a solid investment foundation takes time. It takes a lot of patience to be able to make a living in real estate investment. It does not happen overnight, so if you are looking to make money fast, this probably is not the best solution to your early retirement goals.

The sooner you start in investing, the better the chances of being able to retire early. To be successful, it is important you take the above steps and work towards meeting your goals without rushing the process.

Important Habits of a Real Estate Investor

If you want to become a real estate investor, you must think like one. There are some important habits of real estate investors that will help you get on the right track.

1. Know the market – Learn as much as you can about the real estate market so you will be prepared to make wise investments.

2. Protect your reputation – As a real estate investor, your reputation is crucial. Always make sure to keep your integrity.

3. Find your niche – Find the investing niche that works best for you, whether it be apartments, condominiums, or homes.

4. Keep learning – Staying educated is vital for being successful. Real estate is an ever-evolving investment terrain.


If you dream of being able to retire early, real estate investment may afford you the opportunity. It takes a concerted effort and a no-giving-up attitude, but you can be successful.

Real estate investment is not for everyone. If you want to be successful, you must be willing to put in the time and work to make it happen. With the above tips, you will be well on your way to saying goodbye to the nine to five and hello to retirement freedom.

VAAL Real Estate was Founded with the aim of reducing the hassle of finding and buying homes. VAAL Real Estate has been successful in developing a brand whose main aim is to change the market by understanding and satisfying the needs of potential and future home owners.